Is it miraculously possible to sort the featureManager?

… Like all basic actions in SW, I guess the answer is still, always and ineluctably a shameful " no ".


I would like to sort my annotations (quotations) so that they appear in alphanumeric order, in short that the numbers are increasing, and not stupidly and wickedly classified in order of creation.

Knowing SW's ability to disappoint me, I have little hope.

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Sorting on the feature manager is possible:

On the other hand, I don't understand what you want: Sort the quotation?
Are you talking about the names of the ratings or their values? But where? And above all, for what purpose?
… To see:

To be associated with the first macro.
Kind regards.


I also don't understand the request just like @Maclane .
Sorting on the bubble? Feature manager sorting? Quotations?
On the bubble it seems complicated to me, the lines will cross in all directions.
Sorting of quotations, I don't understand the point, basically we'll have to say a little more to better answer.


Hello @sbadenis @Maclane thank you for the macro I'll test.

I'm talking about the list of annotations in the tree. I want to order them by name because I rename them so that they follow each other logically according to the sequence of entities, in particular, but in the tree they remain organized by date of creation and it's bor*elic.

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The annotations in the tree? … A screenshot would be welcome.


here is

I'm perplexed, in my FeatureManager annotations, I don't have any ratings... they are all in my sketches.
How do you get them? (DimeExpert rating? 3D Dimensioning ?.. other.).


@Maclane , I have always had the dimensions visible in the annotations. Right-click on " Annotations " and there are checkmarks to show or hide certain categories of annotations.

Menu in which you can check " sort by type " but it still keeps the classification by date as a second criterion, no way to sort by name...

To try:

handleman (Automotive) 27 Jul 07 17:02

I added a couple of lines to the macro I linked to previously. Now when run, it will rename every dimension on the drawing sheet with your chosen prefix and a sequential number. Enjoy!

It seems that the dimensions cannot be renamed on the 3D but only in the drawings (which is not illogical given the controlled dimensions).

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It's not going to advance the subject but I have the same display as @Maclane. If I set the options, it shows them to me in the graphics space and not in the feature manager.

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I think @Sylk mainly use the DimExpert quote... Am I mistaken?



I use dimensions that are automatically created when drawing features. And I delete or add more with the intelligent dimensioning according to the needs of constraints.

I do not believe I am aware of any other way to rate entities :thinking:

Renaming them is not a problem, I know how to do that, since the propertyManager of the quotes, the real problem is that it doesn't change anything in the sorting in the tree.
To avoid renaming them 1 to 1 I thought of making a small macro to list the quotations, associate a name/number with the desired ones, then proceed with a mass renaming, avoiding conflicts.

For sorting, it would be rather the order of creation that should be able to be edited. Probably some kind of internal ID (like the components in asm).

Well, I couldn't find anything in the settings to display the odds like this. I don't remember this display in the previous versions, but in any case on the 2023 no display of this type.
Except for the subject itself, I think it's not possible. SW must certainly rely on history to display the order of the ratings.

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What's the point of renaming them and then moving, just following an order following the sequence of entities? It seems very time-consuming to me for a minimum interest, or even zero, unless behind all this you have a real interest or even a time saving that I don't understand.

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Probably an option that I ticked somewhere... If I find it, I will let it be known.

Otherwise for the "unassigned" display I uncheck " sort by type ". 
It changes the order of the quotes a little but still not alphanum order.

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I would be curious to see the part associated with these dimensions, all the dimensions seem to refer to the same sketch... and given the quantity I guess it's rather... say... Complicated.

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Hello @sbadenis

Having to spend 8 days at the slightest click to try to find solutions to SW's shortcomings, that's what is extremely time-consuming!

A solution, once it is found, is for all the following times and for everyone. The time I waste may be time you will gain.

For now :wink: I specifically wanted to rearrange them before applying symmetry, so that it is created with the same names and organization.

And, complicated, not so much I think, and symmetry will have other additions.

There are temporary or purely informative quotations, likely to be deleted, added, hence my wish to have something reorganized.

In principle I totally agree that a dev can be beneficial to everyone, but I was also taught that when I have a need that takes time to take a step back to see if it is really necessary and useful. If the gain is zero, no interest for anyone.
Not seeing how to add the notes in the annotation file like my colleagues @Cyril.f and @Maclane I actually have trouble understanding the interest of this classification without claiming that it is useless. I'm just trying to understand in order to better answer later.
A non-confidential piece for example perhaps? (Under sw2020 as your profile?)