I'm looking for a solution that would hide certain types of functions when I'm done designing my models.
All sketches, surfaces, planes, and axes should be hidden in the design tree.
Do you have any ideas?
I'm looking for a solution that would hide certain types of functions when I'm done designing my models.
All sketches, surfaces, planes, and axes should be hidden in the design tree.
Do you have any ideas?
What is the purpose of this project?
A sketch with the hidden status will usually always appear in the creation tree.
On the other hand, hiding certain functions has the effect of deleting the images on the screen, but also, if you remove a function with the "hide" function, then all the functions that depend on the hidden function disappear too.
It bothers me on a daily basis.
@sylk's remark is relevant because it makes me think of the need to use the defeature function instead, which allows you to hide everything you don't want third parties to see (customers or subcontractors) without breaking anything in the model.
Indicate which version you have because since 2019 these functions have evolved a lot.
Kind regards
I use the 2018 version with the PDM trunk
The problem is that if these elements are not hidden, they will pair in the previews of the PDM vault. I don't want to delete anything, but just hide these elements (like sketches that "grey" out when used in a function.
In addition, when generating STEP or DXF, which can be problematic because visible surfaces are exported with it.
Good evening
Normally when we see plans, sketches... in EPDM preview, it's because we see them in Solidworks. It seems to me.
With a macro, it is possible to hide all sketches, plans, etc. shown in the building tree.
Is this what you need?
Kind regards.
Attached is a macro to hide or show sketches, plans..... it runs on Solidworks 2017.
Kind regards
@yannick.small yes that's exactly it.
I'll look at it tomorrow.
Thank you
I'll let you test the macro.
I just tested the macro and they work very well at first glance.
Do you know if it is possible to do the same for surface bodies?
We work with skeletons that we insert into our parts, and as soon as we modify it by adding surfaces, they are visible in all the rooms in which the skeleton is present...
No, I don't know how to modify the selection check boxes of this file.
Ask another question on the forum.
Someone will surely find a solution for you.
Thank you for closing this one.
Have a nice day
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