Is it possible to keep the links between my 2D plan and my 3D file if I convert it to imported?

Hi all

I have an assembly, parts, my overall plan and my detailed plans. I'm often asked to make changes (and I have to be quick...), so my tree in my parts files is catastrophic. I would like to know if there was a way to convert my parts files into imported ones while keeping the links with my plans (that the dimensions remain in contact with my 3D...)

If you have any tips, I'm interested.

Thank you

Kind regards


Theoretically I would say yes, but I don't have essayé...@+.


I would tend to say no... But I didn't try.

In addition it will probably break all your constraints in the assemblies because they are related to the names of the faces and other 3D entities...

Kind regards

Hello Elodie

Could you tell me how "converting parts files to imported" will improve the tree of your parts.

Normally, if you code your coins with an index number by making a copy of the coin, it should work.

Everyone has several versions of the same play.

Personally, I do for  example U-745_19-V1a , then U-745_19-V2a, then V3a or V3b, then I make a copy of the original plan that I rename from V1a to V2a and I open the V2a room and there the two V2a are updated with the same index number.

My colleagues who do production with changes of version and indices will tell you how to do it. I tinker because I only make unique machines.

Kind regards


Thanks to an imported one I wouldn't have a shaft of "15 meters long", and sometimes it prevents Solidworks from slowing down. The hardest thing is to make sure that the plans follow... and indeed the assembly.


To reduce the tree, just select everything and right-click, create a folder and everything will be stored in it, and to prevent it from lagging, you can activate and lower the blocking bar that prevents the untimely regeneration of the parts. See PJ
