Is it possible to create multiple clips from a single assembly?

Hi all

I am asking you about a question about SolidWorks (2018 version).

I created an assembly including a basic set and 5 sub-assemblies (which are options) to be included in this set, which makes 5 different versions.

Is it possible to create 5 different planes from this assembly?

Kind regards

                    Alexandre Martinie 

Good evening

It is quite possible and it is even very common.

It is possible to have plans for each sub-assembly just as we do not commonly have plans for each part that constitutes a sub-assembly.

All you have to do is open the sub-assembly and make a plan of it.

Once the sub-assembly is opened

click File ==> Create a plan from assembly.

Repeat the operation for each subset. From the global assembly you can make a plan with these sub-assemblies which then each appear as a single part. If parent-child stories speak to you.

My little comrades will surely give you a simplification by using the configurations, if you have a lot of assembly variations. I'll let them explain to you because I never use configurations.

If it's not clear, I'll give you a concrete example

Kind regards


I hope there are the configurations in the main assembly.
If so, it's easy to call the assembly in a mep, choose the config to display (at the top in the feature manager). If necessary, you can add views of other configurations or optional S/E.
The next question is what information do you want to appear in the title block.



We work with a main ASM and what is optional are sub-ASMs. For MEPs we make the bare plan and then we create the different tabs, we click at the bottom on the one we just made by doing ctrl-c then we do ctrl-v and we rename with the option that is added in the configuration and so on. A single plan with the different tabs depending on the options....

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It is also possible to create several "sheets" in the same drawing file (many people don't know this), duplicate them and move them, a bit like on Excel.

As said @stefbeno the next question is the filling of the cartridge which in this type of case is not always easy to manage.



For cartridges; You just need to use the custom properties as they are specific to the configurations.


Hello @Ac cobra and @Pierre S

If you had some time :-) :-) A little tutorial would be very useful because what you describe as a method is very important and should save a lot of time with more reliability. The story of several sheets in the same file piques my interest.

Kind regards

@Zozo_mp: for multi folio, it's indeed, as @Pierre S says, like with Excel: there are tabs at the bottom of the screen:

Then, to switch a view from one sheet to another, you have to do the manipulation in the feature manager.
To choose the properties to display in the title block of a particular template, you have to right-click on the sheet/property and then choose the template to use:



   @Stefbeno THANK YOU iiiiiiii

You're welcome, I did it quickly so succinct.
You'll probably come back with questions.

Just a few  small additions:
- text to put in a note to display the page number / total number: Sheet $PRP:"SW-Current Sheet"/$PRP:"SW-Total Sheets"
- The first page is the leftmost and the last is the rightmost. The numbering is done automatically on this basis.
- you can rename (like XL tabs) your leaf tabs.


Well understood, 

Thank you for all your answers gentlemen!