A few years ago, I used the "DesignView" spreadsheet which had the advantage of allowing, on the same graph sheet, to edit a 2d geometry constrained by sketch relations and equations. These equations could, moreover, be constraints such as "greater than ... and less than... ". Very interesting to try to optimize a 2D kinematics or optimize a section for the creation of a die for example. Do you have any suggestions for me?
You can make these conditions of "<" and ">" in sketch equations.
As I understand it, you can, in the same room, animate a diagram made up of several sketch blocks representing each room. You can put equations between the blocks.
It was a product of Computervision; he was advised in the 2000s by the CETIM. I have fixed a number of issues with this software. The schematic representation does indeed allow to satisfy part of the problem I pose but, to my knowledge, the equations in SW do not allow to write > or < conditions and thus associate the graphical and numerical solver function... Unless perhaps you associate a dimension with a cell in Excel and thus benefit from the functions of the Exel solver. Is it possible to associate, in this way, a ds SW dimension and an excel cell?
Attached are two screenshots of a spur gear design calculation sheet (ISO method).
calcul_1 Sheet (Layer 1): Entering and Reporting Calculations
calcul_2 Sheet (Layer 2): Invisible to the operator; in this sheet are the equations and constraints set out in the ISO method
The meshing design makes it possible both to account for and also to measure values that can be measured in the equations. DesignView played the role of both solver and grapher. This is what I would like to update on SW with then automatic 3D editing of the gears with the parameters chosen by the operator.
I will try, according to your advice, to use schematic representation to achieve this.
In terms of calculations, there is also DriveWorks which could help you, it is a utility integrated into SW. But you won't have the same freedom of layout.
Another utility to explore is "SmartProperties" from MyCadTools (Axemble), this utility has a lot of computational formatting (it seems good to me).
But looking at the equations to be performed, I really think that what you want to do is possible
After reviewing your files, I really think that the solution of doing the solver by Excel with a linked SolidWorks file is the simplest and most efficient solution to set up.
If I'm not mistaken, worksheet 1 is not dynamic (the images of the gear do not update according to the results) but just illustrative?
Yes, the image was updated ("metta" because DesignView has not evolved with successive Windows vesions!) This also highlighted interference in operation.