Is it possible to transfer an RCP/RCS point cloud to Solidworks?


Let me tell you a little about the project. 

We have recently invested in a 3d scan. My company that works in the consultation / identification of asbestos, lead and FCR in the industrial and maritime sectors,

 I would like to know if it is possible to create a kind of point cloud to which we would have affixed colored markers. In this file they would like to be able to move in 3 dimensions in order to be able to inspect from all angles certain inaccessible devices for example.

First of all, I would like to know if this is feasible from your point of view ? 

And secondly, if it is compatible with Solidworks ? Because for the moment the data processing software (Scene Software) can only output RCP/RCS type files for a point cloud, an unreadable extension for Solidworks in my opinion. Is it possible to convert to another file format to allow insertion into Solidworks?  


Thank you in advance for the attention you will pay to this message. 

Kind regards 


Buhot amaury 



I don't know what SW is worth with point clouds, but I would lean more towards a 3Dmax type software that will surely handle better than SW. (If it is a one-time need it can be rented by the month the software unless mistaken)

Here is a point cloud example video



See also on this side.



For your use, I think Recap is the best option.

Solidworks handles large point clouds very poorly and does not allow easy navigation within them.