Unfolded state for drawing


I made a set of parts (a chain guide) into sheet metal parts, I then recorded the bodies in order to have all the pieces one by one for the drawing. When I make the drawings of each sheet metal piece I don't have the unfolded state, on the other hand in my overall model I do have an unfolded state, how could I find this state for the drawing

I'm attaching the file in case I'm not clear

Thank you for your help  


On your new parts, do Insert/Sheet metal/Convert to sheet metal.


Please note that your folding parameters will be those of your model, not the original part.

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Hello Benoit,

I did what you told me, it doesn't seem to work or I'm doing it wrong

 I am attaching one of the parts files created by the save bodies function, so that you can see for yourself

Thank you for your attention

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Once your part has been converted to sheet metal, open your drawing.


Insert a view, any view (e.g. front view) and click on "unfolded state" in the left pane.


See image.

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Unfortunately I'm on SW13, I can't open the part, I can just visualize it by eDrawing.


For the Sheet Metal Conversion function, you must first select the fixed entity and then in the "Bent edge" window  click on "List all bends.


An example is attached.

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A small question outside the subject, why do you proceed by registering bodies in new rooms?

You could have your unfolded parts directly from the original part (multibody part). When inserting a view, you select the body of the throughput you want, then you check "Unfolded state". No?

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Thank you bart, but I can't turn it into sheet metal

Benoit if I proceed like this it's because I know how to do it like this, is there another simpler way to proceed?

Thank you for your info

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Benoit's last post is the way I use to make my multibody part drawings.


After that, your way of doing things is good too. =)

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See this image for the conversion to sheet metal.


@syltab, for the conversion of sheet metal, did you manage to do it as I indicated?

The only limitation of using body selection to get folded is if you needed to create full-fledged parts of your bitrates, for item code stories for example.



Benoit or bart,

Could you explain to me your way of proceeding for the drawing for multi-body, it would be very charitable thank you.


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For Benoit's solution, here is a screen print;)




It's a duplicate that @Bart, I had felt the question coming a few seconds before! :)


Excuse me Benoit, I hadn't seen him.


In any case, the best answer is yours by right;)

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Thank you both,

It's good.

Have a nice day friends, and see you next question

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Never sell the bear's skin before killing it! You know as well as I do that sometimes we are surprised! ;)

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No worries friend, you're talking to the right people^^


Don't hesitate to come back to see us ;) =)

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Have a good day and see you soon.

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