Display states


Can we re-populate the display states.

I would like to put phase 06.5 just after phase 06, but I can't do it.

Is there a solution?

Thank you.


Unfortunately I don't see anything under SW2016 that allows you to sort the display states:/

I checked the first results in the help but nothing very conclusive


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Hello, otherwise you rename the display states by making a x10! 01 becomes 10; the 02 20 etc... so you'll be 60; 65; 70.


It should work.

Kind regards


Renaming is not the solution, or I have to change all my phases that follow.

I added phase 06.5, 07, 08 etc are not modified.

I would like to move up the 06.5 just after the 06.

I searched like MaD in help, but without result.

Thank you for your help.