I'm currently trying to make a video explaining how a machine works using the SolidWorks motion study.

My problem is the following: During one of the stages of the operating cycle, a clamp at the end of the cylinder closes using a rotation. During this movement , my cylinder rod moves when it shouldn 't. However, I do the rotation movement well in relation to the cylinder rod.

I then tried to block the cylinder rod temporarily, but I must have missed something because I couldn't find it.

The set option is a constant. The option to fix/group temporarily does not seem to meet my needs. I even tried to set a movement to 0 or to counter the parasitic movement with another but nothing works.

I presume that this is a fundamental of the study of movement but I have not found anything.

Could you help me?


I hope that @Pierre S will go through this because he knows movement study well.

It will be necessary to specify if you are driving by constraints or in another way!

Kind regards

The body of the cylinder is totally constrained. 

The rod is also constrained and uses a limited distance to allow the cylinder to travel freely.

Apparently if I use a constraint to block it at this stage of the video, it is also blocked during the rest of the video.

The gripper is only free on rotation.


Unfortunately @Zozo_mp greatly overestimate my knowledge in the field (or it's Pierre's mistake :-) ) because I must have done two or three movement studies in 10 years.
Despite that, I'm still going to try to make my contribution.
To constrain your rod, I don't think that fixing it (right click "fix"), blocking it with a "Blocking" constraint or even locking this rotation via the option of a "Coaxial" constraint is a good solution. I think it's better to add a parallelism or angle constraint between one of the planes of your axis and another element chosen wisely.

This way you can manage the activation of this constraint in your movement study via the keys.

I hope I helped you a little.


After several days of struggle and having finished this video at more than 90% as best as possible. I finally figured out how to use the keys at the constraint level.... (-_-;) ・・・

If I had known that from the start, it would have saved me a lot of frustration and loss of time.