Study and design of a chemical reactor

Hello tlmnd :)

please I ask you qlq1 who can guide me or explain to me

How do you determine the bottom thickness and wall thickness in a tank?

How to determine the forces on this reservoir? 

( volume 10 m3 of Hcl diluted to 10-% )


Thank you for your attention


It all depends on the size of your tank.

If the base is 1m x 1m and a liquid height of 10m or if the base is 5x2 and liquid height is 1m.

Rectangular or cylindrical tank, material... And many other things...

Basically, you need a lot more data than you give, otherwise 1 million answers without head or tail are possible and imaginable



Hello Sir, you are right about the information I quoted 

so the process of this project consists of mixing 7000L of H2O with 3000 L of HCL at 32% to have a solution of hydrochloric acid diluted to 10% that's why I have to design a reactor with an agitator that runs with an average speed for the speed of the solution 

The volume is 10m3 so I calculated the diameter 2m and the height of 3.18m 

How can I determine the thickness of the bottom and the wall? And the forces exerted on this reservoir ?

Vertical or horizontal?

What free volume in the reactor?
What type of bottom (GRC, PRC, Elliptical, etc.)?

You will then have the height of the liquid so by assimilating your mixture to water, you will have the forces in your reactor. Be careful to take into account possible corrosion, stress concentrations related to the various passages and taps, welds.

Are you not subject to a building code? 10m3 of acid, it can't be handled just any way...



Polypropylene fibre resin was chosen as the reactor materials

volume of the  solution Vtt = 10 m3 = 10000L

How to determine the effort?

NB: we have centrifugal of the propeller 

CJ: prototype reactor that I designed 




There are companies that are very specialized in this kind of material and I strongly suggest that you contact them and collect all the data you can.

On the other hand, you don't say if it's an exercise asked of a student or if you plan to make the tank yourself and then subcontract it.

Doing the calculations with solidworks simulation is possible. But it is very, very easy to make wrong calculations if you use the wrong material, the right supports, etc.

I can tell you from having discussed the subject a couple of times that making a vat, even a banal one, is not within the reach of any subcontractor who will remain responsible for the manufacture for a long time.

Kind regards




Thank you for your answer

Please do you have an idea about the STE which are specialized? Tell me what one ? 

I'm working on this project and we're going to subcontract it to another company 

How can I do the simulation without pressure? ( for me I have to calculate the pressure )

Thank you:)



For simulation with or without pressure, this will not be possible with non-PRO SW which does not process composite materials. If you don't have the characteristics of the tanks, you won't be able to do a simulation either.

It is up to the specialized companies to give you all the information since they meet very precise standards.

For the specialized companies it is better to look on the net and especially in your region (or country because of the import PB)

Kind regards

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polypropylene (PP)  exists on solidworks 

PP exists but not fiber PP resin.
The presence of fibers changes a lot of things in the behavior of the material...

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PP manufacturing is resin-based 

Hello Aymen,

You probably put a stir on it.

We can help you
