Thermal study of temperature curve as a function of time



I did a thermal study of a transient assembly to see how my temperature would evolve as a function of the weather and the materials chosen.

I need to take the temperature at a specific point. So I created a sensor of "simulation data, thermal, temperature" on this point.

My question:  How do I draw a curve of the temperature of my sensor (my point) as a function of time?


Thank you


There is probably the answer here from 5min20:

See also:

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Hi t.andre,

I think you have to make a probe with a right click on the result in the simulation  tree and use a response diagram as in the attached screenshot.



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Thank you for your answers that allowed me to find the solution.

So no need to bother with sensors!

In the thermal study tree, in the result folder, right-click on the graph you are interested in, select "probe", in options: "At the location", then click on the (or nodes) that interest us), and in Report option you just have to click on the icon on the right "Answer", The time it loads we get a beautiful curve (or curves) depending on the weather!


Thank you


Mick the fastest ;)