Exclude Toolbox Fasteners When Opening an Assembly


I would need your help, we have a subcontractor who sent us a fairly large assembly, but in this assembly all the screws come from the toolbox that we don't have in our company.

When opening this assembly I get the message the toolbox component has not been found, do you want to look for it yourself: Yes / No / Help

And this for each toolbox part.... Is there a way to exclude toolbox components before an assembly is opened?

I tried to open it in light mode but it didn't change anything.

Thank you.


To my knowledge, I do not believe that it is possible to make such a selection. 

Ok, thanks ac cobra 427, so I'm going to click on "no" for a little while...


No real solution on your side.

On the other hand, you can ask your subcontractor to send you the assembly without screws. It's pretty simple for him to do.

Just click on "Select all the elements of the toolbox" (see image) then right-click and delete them all at once before sending you the complete assembly.




Ok, the problem is that he sent us the assemblies by cd because they were quite large, and it's the second cd he sent us because in the first one he had a problem during the burning and we were missing 3/4 of the parts.

I started "serial clicking".

Thank you for your answers.


This solution to choose when opening the document does not work?

Disabling all prompts for missing components

You can disable all prompts for missing components of the document you are opening.

Select Remove All Missing Components in the Can't Locate File dialog box that appears when a document can't locate a referenced file.

This option affects only the current document. This option does not permanently disable all of the Cannot Locate File dialog boxes for all documents.




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No in the dialog box I only have: YES / NO / HELP

Otherwise, in the window where SW asks you if you want to search for the component there should be a small checkbox so that it does the same with all the other missing components.

They will then appear deleted in your assembly.

To reactivate the choice, you will just have to go to tool/options/Warning error messages and check your message in the list.

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You have to ask your subcontractor to create a toolbox folder in his file

and to export this file without this folder

To my knowledge, this is the only solution

or that he gives you his libraries if you are in the same versions

but it may be very difficult to manage 

Toolboxes don't come by making a take-home composition?

do you still have CD exchanges? For sending, he can go through a site like wetransfert (free you can send 2GB per shipment).


Yes, it's a study that we bought. 

No, I don't have a little box to tick, I started opening and clicking...

Thank you all, have a good day.

When your subcontractor makes his take-home composition, he can include the toolbox components.

This will create a piece for each conf of the Toolbox components.


edit: and he can send them to you by transfer, it's not confidential the screws...

2016-06-09__composant_toolbox.. jpg
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As I indicated, it's not on the "Yes / No"  dialog box but before in the "open" dialog box! 

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I can't find the box you're talking about!


What version of SolidWorks are you in?

Is it the SP5 for 2015 and earlier or the SP3 for 2016?

A priori, this option did not exist before 2014.

SP5 2014

At the end of the day; there is no solution except for the series of clicks...