Execution of static studies

Hi all

Well, I'm doing a static study on a model composed of a volume piece and 3 shells.
I believe that I applied all the necessary constraints for the execution; where materials, fastening, workpiece contact and loading. And then, I use the hull manager to define these thicknesses (the hulls), but really I'm stuck now to find the problem that stops me from moving forward.
I'm happy for your instructions to do the pleasure and to skip this problem.
PS: this study for the preparation of CSWA-S
Kind regards


Hello @ firasschafai

Your problem is not very explicit so I interpret

If I understand your problem correctly , it seems to me that you are making a mistake on Sketch2, because you are making an extruded surface, but what you need to know is that a surface has no thickness , it is a virtual delimitation in space (that's why "typology" is called a surface) and that in software it is represented for example in yellow  (or another color) otherwise we wouldn't see it.

In other words, you ask your simulation to make a mesh on a surface that has no thickness, which means that it does not exist even if you see a virtiual image: so it is impossible since the mesh and especially the resistance calculation is done in three dimensions at least.

(From the scholarly  point of view (sorry ;-)   ) you have first-order triangular shell elements instead of having second-order tetrahedral elements)

we're not going to bother with these considerations : you just have to modify the Sketch2 by drawing the thicknesses for your profile el L,  ditto your tube (or your cylinder)  above all use a normal extrusion instead of an extruded surface. After that, you just have to change your thickness dimensions to know which profile is suitable for each shape.

Last remark : You use "a force" which seems strange to me so I guess you don't confuse it with "a charge" since you are doing a static study. So choose between a weight or a traction force that is known and calibrated as well.

Another thing: you define contacts between contradictory components, it seems to me and above all unnecessarily redundant.

Global contact is sufficient from my point of view Contact Set-2 and Contact Set-3 are useless. You should choose "solidarity" instead of "no penetration". Because you are working in tension, you cannot have penetration, at worst a tear-off.  No penetration is used when two components are not in contact at the beginning but can be as a result of deformation. CQFD

Kind regards




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 Hello @ Zozo_mp

Totally agree with you!
But this assembly is imported during the exam so no modification (Sketch,..) so the mind is directly towards the simulation.
For the hull elements it is already well defined before the mesh by the management of the hulls, I defined the thicknesses of each one.
And for contact; really there is a play between the shells and the plate, and since the constraint is that both are fixed so it's solidary yes.

I'm going to put the statement exactly so that things are clear.

Thank you Zozo_mp 

Kind regards 


Good evening

Something escapes me!

Why do you have a distance of 1 mm between the bottom plate and the base of the different profiles.

I don't see that in the statement !

What I see is that "their lower extremities are attached to the plate"

Kind regards


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Good evening 

Sorry for the lack of clarity where something is missing in this statement.

I did try and I find something, I hope this result is good.

So I find a reaction force following Y with a value of 204.66 N.

Your decision at this point.

Kind regards 



Hello @ firasschafai

You have not attached the results of your simulation to your document, I cannot see anything of your proposal.

Kind regards



Olalaaa sorry I forgot the result file , here is the zip file.

Kind regards


It's not our day! since the file cannot be read (corrupted or unknown)

Could you send it again but in ZIP format.

Use the export function (pack and go)

Kind regards

Hello @ Zozo_mp 

Sorry other times, but I can't do any other than I did now.

 ( Our harvest day comes back :) )

Kind regards 


Good evening @ firasschafai

Can you take a screenshot of where you find the results please.

Are you editing a report or something else?

Kind regards

Good evening @ Zozo_mp 

I hope everything is fine now.

Kind regards 


Hello @  firasschafai

I don't see any anomaly, it seems correct to me, especially since the addition of the different individual reaction forces (204.66, +13.551+851.72) gives 1069.93, which corresponds to the force indicated in the rounded rounds.

Kind regards

 PS: let us know if you get the certification

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Hello @ Zozo_mp 

Sorry for the delay 

And there you have it, I finished the exam well  with a score of 94/100!!

I thank you very much (every day you direct me to learn a lot and it deserves an effort)

You have to study for a long time to make it simple

Kind regards 


