Lists the various parameters entered at the form level.
List commonly used texts and equations.
Mathematical operators (+, -, *, /, &...).
Logical operators (IF, <, >, =...).
The key is to prepare your project well in advance, the best thing is to set the constraints etc. on paper, make a list and then transcribe everything in Driveworks.
I already knew that, but the code that we enter into the rules corresponds to a particular programming language? or is it SW specific?
I would like to know if it is possible, in the "filename" type of rules, to delete the name of the base file in order to have a new file completely renamed.
Base File Name: Spar
After running DriveWorks, New File Name: "InputValue" & "-010"
With "InputValue" an input variable of the form corresponding to a deal number
The issue of renaming parts completely has been fixed.
Just start the rule with "*" and then the name of the source file disappears and is renamed with the name you put behind the "*".
Now I would like to know if it is possible to do the same thing with the drawings?
Here the problem is that the drawings take the name of the new file but still keep the name of the original MEP.
So I would like the original name of the MEP to disappear like the name of the part file does. I don't know if this is possible because the MEP file name is not driven by a rule like Part File Names.