Explanations of Personalized Properties


Everything is said in the title.

In a previous post, the P.P. appeared in the conversation but being a novice on SW, I don't know what it is.   What is the difference with the room family or pane that already exists at the bottom of the SW window? And how to create one please?

Thank you & Have a nice day

See these tutorials



That's it with that you should know the custom properties in solidworks

good tutorial 

@+ ;-)

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I think your question is more "what is it" than "how"


Above, we give you a link to a tutorial only for a case of P.P.


If you want to know how SolidWorks works with P.P.

In a SW file, when you do (in SW) file-property, you have a window with 3 tabs:



"to the config"


First thing, the real "functional meaning" for SolidWorks is this:

"Recap" (this tab won't be useful to us, so we can forget it)


"to the config"


We have to assimilate that.

Then, there is an immutable rule in SW: if a property exists in the "General" and "to the config", it is the "to the config" that will have the upper hand.

From there, we choose "where" we will put these properties,

According to the need for use in bills of materials.


So we have 3 cases of figs (for PRT or ASM):

Case 1:

   either we only 1 config, so we put the P.P. in the "General"

Case 2:

   or we have confis, but it's only representation, and the P.P. will be common to all the configs, so we put the P.Ps in the "General"

Case 3:

   or we have funcigs, and we want each config to have different P.P.s., so we put the P.Ps "to the config" and do it for each config.


And of course; you can also mix Case 2, with Case 3, but you have to manage well....

And to do the library, knowing how to properly manage the P.P. is an asset...


Another important point, if you put a P.P. in one place, it doesn't make sense that it is in the other (either "General" or "config-based").


Another point also, the P.P. with "calculated" values should not be in the "General", it's a big classic mistake.

(example: mass, volume, surface, or text typed with a "dotted dimension").


(And finally, when you understand how SolidWorks works, and when you see what "EPDM with a basic parameterization" does, it's incoherent, forces you to no longer use certain functions, etc... but that's another vast debate...)

See here too:


I edited my message, to complete it.