Explorer replace with Utilities?

Good evening

With SW2018 I used SW Explorer, we just switched to SW2020, a priori now we have to use Utilities.

The complement is active, but impossible to find it.

Does anyone know if it's an external or internal program and how to reach it?

Does it have the same functionality for: finding where a file is used, recreating or changing symmetrical part links......

Thank you.


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According to the help, you need to download it in your SolidWorks space:




Thank you for your answer.

Utilities appears well for 2021, unfortunately it does not exist for the 2020 version....

Is it backwards compatible, and why can't I find it in 2020?



Is anyone using this tool?



After contacting the solidworks service,

The Solidworks Explorer software is replaced by the Utilities module.

It is installed as standard when installing Solidworks 2020.

The trick is that to "move"; "rename" or see "used in" just right-click on a SW file and then click on Solidworks.

A slight drop-down menu appears.

This little add-in is super useful and replaces Explorer properly.



Can we recreate a reference (for example that of a drawing to a part) with the "File Utilities" as we could do with the "SOLIDWORKS Explorer" via a path?

Thank you

That's great! I was also looking for this program but you have to look at the context menus.
Thank you jordan.mouret.pro

