Export 3ds


I would like to export an assembly of about 600 parts to 3DS, I have a solidworks prenium and so I have the scan to 3d add-on which allows me to record in 3Ds, the problem is that I can't do it in the assembly. Do you know a method to do this?

Thanks in advance

Hi @capilotracter


What is the size of the assembly file........... (600 pieces is for animation?)

or to have a complete set that cannot be dismantled or mutable in this case registered in part


@+ ;-)


the ideal would be to have the parts separate if possible, it's for a com company that wants to make us commercial images of our machine I have already simplified it to the max, the assembly file is 24MB with the parts ca makes 260MB



Saving the assembly in VRML format by selecting the option "export all parts of an assembly in one file" does not solve the problem?


To export, simply do 

  1.  Click File > Save As
  2. Select a file format from Type:
    • ScanTo3D (*.xyz)
    • ScanTo3D (*.wrl). Click Options  to set export options.
    • ScanTo3D (*.stl). Click Options  to set export options.
    • ScanTo3D (*.3ds)
    • ScanTo3D (*.obj)


As mentioned in the help:


lucas I try this as soon as I can there my PC is already working at full speed as soon as it's finished I try

Thank you

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Indeed the method works, it's a bit difficult with such a big assembly (the wrl file is 150MB) so in my opinion not really usable behind but since I don't believe at all in the work that will be done behind it I don't have more time to devote to it^^

Thank you for your answers again a faith !!


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