Export DWG draftsight



I want to transform a Solidworks file into 3D DWG, via Draftsight, but keeping the colors of the original CAD.

Is it possible? And if so, how??

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Importing dwg 3D into soldiworks is possible, but exporting is not possible.

not that I know of, sorry.

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See this link in other


How to Import a 3D SolidWorks into Draftsight or Equivalent

Hi all


Here's a little post detailing: How to import a 3D  SolidWorks into Draftsight or Autocad.

Many people ask us this question asking for 3D DWG, however we are not going to use this technique, we will use the ACIS exchange format better known as . SAT.


Here is the example that I will switch from SolidWorks to Draftsight, a 5000L tank that I use for piping.



This vat is a blend of several components, so there are no restrictions at this level for export.


Step 1: The first step is to save your tank in ACIS format (. SAT) via SolidWorks.

To do this, nothing could be simpler, you do a file > save under > ACIS


Step 2: Before validating, remember to take a look at the export options, to choose the version (as below).



In my case it's version 6.

Why 6? this is an arbitrary choice here, the only thing to remember is that the Draftsight command that I will detail below only supports versions 1.05 to 10.00 of the ACIS format


Step 3: Launch Draftsight and type the following command: ACISIN


You will then see an ACIS import window appear on the screen.

All you have to do is choose your file and open it.


Note: There is no progress bar in Draftsight, so don't panic if nothing happens in the first few seconds. Depending on the size of your file, its complexity, and the machine you have, it may take more or less time or even fail.


You should then have something similar:




Then use the usual Draftsight commands, for rotation shift + wheel presses


@+ ;-)




The solution:


1: Make an ACIS in SolidWorks (look at the options for colors)

2: In DraftSight: Type the ACIS Import command and open the file

3: In DraftSight save and here is a 3D DWG.







@Coyote, I'm doing the same as you at the SW level, however, I'm importing the ACIS file (. SAT) directly in AutoCad and it works perfectly. Provided you get to V1.6 when creating the .sat