Impossible export in SolidWorks: "inconsistent spline curve"



I have a new problem with SolidWorks. I try to export an assembly in neutral format (sat or step) and the export fails with the following message: "Inconsistent spline curve".

This is the first time I've had this message in the many years I've been using SolidWorks. I can't find the mistake. Probably a piece that I recently integrated but I don't see which one because they have simple shapes.


And to simplify things, the problem must be very rare given the few results of a Google search...


If anyone knows where this mistake comes from, I'm all for it.


Thank you


You can try to export in IGES and then open it to export it in STEP...


In the export option, uncheck the export of curves if you don't need it.



Problem solved, finally !!

Thank you for your answers but the problem was different. The curve export was unchecked and for the export in another format, I had succeeded in parasolid but when I opened the latter, an export in acis gave me the same error message.

Here is the resolution of the problem:

After proceeding by elimination by going up the tree little by little to see which subassembly(s) were causing the problem and in particular which component, I finally saw the problem. It was a lock nut that was badly rebuilt.

There was no SW icon that normally warns when there is a rebuild problem. Its tree structure was quite "clean" without warning but in terms of the display it was missing faces. I simply edited a function and it rebuilt itself just right.

See the attached image to illustrate my point.

Thank you


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