Export of welded parts list


I have a welded construction part (see screenshot).

My questions:

How can I extract the tree from the list to get the info: "Boss.-Extru.5; Circular repetition2[1]... etc" belong to the "DEN12370-c" folder? The idea is to be able to group identical bodies, because when the file is imported into the service provider's operating software, it ONLY keeps the names of the bodies (see image: exploit). So it is impossible for him to know which elements are identical.

or How can I keep this information by doing an export such as STEP, Parasolid... etc? (checkbox, special format...)

or Is there a way to fill in a "body name" field in an exhaustive nomenclature?

or Is there a solution to rename 'en masse' bodies, i.e. for example rename: Boss.-Extru.5 to DEN12370-c_1; Circular repetition2[1] in DEN12370-c_2 etc... Knowing that I have parts that have thousands of bodies so it's not possible to do it with a mano.


Thank you for your help!


Image 1


Image 2



Couldn't you export your part in as many files as you have folders in your Welded Parts List, in which you keep only one type of body each time? It would be your service provider who would do the reassembly behind...

Edit: Although you can do it too!

Personally, I have never managed to create a flat nomenclature to the point of assigning a number. to each body when there are several identical ones. And for mass renaming, you would have to recover the ownership of the body name and I'm afraid that's impossible!

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Well good good... I don't feel my story there.

Ideally, yes, I should have built one piece per body type. It is more or less planned to apply it on the models I have produced to lighten the ensembles, but it's a monstrous job considering the number of elements to be processed. For example, on the first part of my assembly alone, I already have 26 files.

So at this stage it's not on the agenda because we're in the test phase, but in the long term it could be the solution, yes.


I tried in a BOM to add the "body name" property but I can't find it anywhere, then the BOM stops at the "folder" level.

And how many different pieces are there? You can already try with the Delete/Keep Body function... see if on big selections SolidWorks holds up or not, know if it's a possible procedure. What is your service app working on?

Wasn't it already you who was doing 6000 body rehearsals for us? (:

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Yes, yes, it's me... :D. Welcome to nuclear power!

I have about 50 pieces in all, more or less loaded depending on the case. It's going to be copying anyway. It will surely be easier to "preserve the bodies" than to make an extraction to transform them into a room.

His software is DEM+, but I think it's a tool developed specifically for deconstruction so it shouldn't help you. And it integrates the native SW files in addition, but not all the info at the same time.

Thank you in any case:)