Export of BOMs to excel


When I export a table bill of materials to excel, the points of my numbering are changed to commas so that when I get to 1.10 the value is set to 1.1 on excel.

Maybe someone with the solution?

Thank you.



In Excel: use "replace" (with the search tool under 365): , by .

Otherwise change the decimal sign in excel or solidworks (the option exists in both software). There is probably also a windows option (probably more or less related to the language)

For SW: Tools / options / general / "use the default decimal symbol for dimensions"


In windows if misconfigured (related to the language):


Otherwise in excel:


Hoping it helps.


I finally found the solution;

In the "xlapp. Workbooks.Open "c:\.... xls" it was enough to put: "xlapp. Workbooks.OpenText "c:\.... xls"

Thank you.