Export SVG

Hello, I would like to know how to export a drawing in SVG to SOLIDWORKS . Thanks in advance


I don't know the extension of an SVG file???

I searched on the web, I found it, but now I don't know how to do it.

Could you tell me more? And if you find it, please keep me informed.

Find attached all the possibilities to save a part under SW2020 SP5. 



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Hello again,

Here are all the possibilities to save a MEP SW 2020 SP5.

Then you have to go through another application to switch to SVG.

Here is the link



Good luck @+.


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Hello @A.R

It is a flat image file, (  Scalable Vector Graphics) is the vector drawing format supported by the MediaWiki software, the engine of Wikipedia.

Read more here with solutions   ;-)

Kind regards


Thank you for your answers, I think I explained myself badly, I would like to export a drawing from SOLIDWORKS to a machine but I don't know if I'm not smart but I can't find to export in file.


So for an MEP look at my 2nd answer for a room look at the 1st.

Generally to send to a machine it is from (*.stl) sw part via machining center.

For 3D printing it's the same file (*.stl)

see there ===> https://www.sculpteo.com/fr/centre-apprentissage/creer-un-fichier-3d/quest-ce-quun-fichier-stl/

Good luck @+.

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Hello to my knowledge I agree with @Zozo_mp it's a vector format.

If you want to test you can download Inkscape 


The backup format of this software and .svg.

You can import your plan either in .pdf format or in .dxf format for me with CATIA .pdf the result is better. 

Edit: better under CATIA because the dxf generated by CATIA is too facetized and CATIA bothers a vector pdf of much better quality.

Edit-2: With Solidworks the result is better in DXF import.


Good evening Franck, why is there a difference in DXF? And to import you have to save it as and reopen it in Inkscape?

Thank you for your answers.

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Hello .why a difference?? on the CATIA side it probably came from the version generated by the DXF following your question I redid the test under CATIA V5-6R2017. and I also get a better result from the DXF (I hadn't paid attention but the version of the DXF has been updated, it is more recent in 2007 than in my last 2000 tests).

By the way, the svg output exists under CATIA (under graphical format options).

On the screenshot, the difference, in addition to the representation of the axis lines and on the interpretation of the circle, on the import of the pdf, we see that it is a multitude of small line segments, on that of the DXF, the circle and represented by 4 1/4 of a circle.

If your svg file is used by a machine, the less tangency break the better.

Yes, you have to save the SW file in DXF and import it into Inkscape.


Hello Franck

I'm coming back to you because I tried Inkscape, I make a rectangular part on SOLIDWORKS with dimensions, I make a DXF file and when I import it I can't find my dimensions. Because then I transfer the file to SHAPER ORIGIN, a router, and the sides no longer match.

I enclose the play to you.

Thank you in advance for your answers.




When you import into Inkscape, pay attention to the unity of the default document, it's pixel, you have to change it by mm (top toolbar).

For the dimensions it works with the pdf format; but for me;  not with the DXF even when exporting the dimensions in graph there are curves that do not pass under Inkscape (see with the DXF export options of Solidworks)

Your file is a .jpg


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The trick is to make a drawing. In a drawing, you can export in .svg

Good evening bendesarts,

Drawing, drawing, if I understand the translation, do you do it on what?