Export all the points of a Catia solid geometry:

Indeed, I would like to make a macro to calculate the volume of any shape modeled in Catia V5.
I had the intuition to leave either:

    - of the set of points that form the solid form: (all the points inside the form),


   - the set of points of the geometry contour (all the points that form the closed surface, the boundary of the solid).
If I can have the list of coordinates of these points, I could roll out a calculation algorithm.
So, can someone please tell me how to export these stitches out of Catia to be used on Excel for example?
I know that the opposite is possible!

Thanks in advance...

For the calculation of a volume of a complex shape

The best I think is to go via Boolean OPs 

insert your piece into a larger room knowing the volume of the large room

just exclude the non-common part

There remains the common volumes



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This does not answer the question, but the volume measurement function exists in CATIA.

It is very easy to measure and keep this measurement on a part or only on a part body.

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Thank you all
In the search for solutions, I found a solution that is close to that of GT22, because the shapes whose volumes I was trying to know are reservatories, which means that Franck Ceroux's solution does not work. It is indeed necessary to go through the Boolean operations of volume subtraction and plane section in order to obtain the solid representing the interior empty part, the volume of which is to be determined with the inertia calculation function. I could then make a macro using these catia functions.
Thank you all, I'll get back to you if I have programming problems because this will be my 1st macro catia, despite my experience in vba-excel


you just have to close the question by putting resolved to the desired answer

@+ ;-)