Export native or full files from oneshape in STEP

Hello everyone,

I am a novice in the field, and I want to export a public design from oneshape to step.

I need to be able to have all the information of the design (volume, dimensions, dimensions etc.), since I want to study the feasibility to make a mold (machining), this is what I think we call "native" files

Oneshape allows you to export but once opened on Solidworks or others, the file is incomplete. I tried in STEP, SAT, etc. and always the same.

A charitable soul could help me please? I can give it the link of the design in question on oneshape.

Thank you in advance



In my opinion, if the file is incomplete when opened in STEP or other native file, it means that there is a problem with the missing parts in oneshape.


What do you call incomplete? Are there any volume bodies missing? Or do you have all the bodies but can't change them and no drawings?


Because for the 2nd part it's normal, the step is a neutral format so you only get one volume.

On the other hand, if there are bodies missing, it probably comes from the export under oneshape

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First of all, thank you for the responsiveness of your answers, it's super cool! Yes, the neutral step, but I've tried with other export formats but it's still not that...

Basically, the industrial partner I work with tells me that he doesn't have all the information necessary to study the feasibility (volume, view of the closed areas, etc.), he talks to me about sending him the native files??? I don't really understand the jargon...

here is the public file on oneshape bit.ly/2XDZRJe 

If anybody can do something... Thank you in advance



When we talk about native files, these are the files created by the application, for example toto.doc for World, toto.xls for Excel. Toto.CATPart, Toto.CATProduct, Toto.CATDrawings for CATIA V5.

The application that created the file is identified by the extension (.doc, .xls, . CATPart, etc.).

I haven't started Onshape for a long time but at the time no possibility to export the native format of the application (it's a web application), no installation on the PC.

The WWTP will contain the 3D geometry (possibly the PMIs including the 3D dimensioning).

For the information of the 2D plan, we use a DXF or PDF format.

I am trying to launch Onshape if I have kept my login and passwords ?


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Thank you very much, I am waiting for your feedback.

Thank you again!

Normally you have what you need to export 3D geometry and 2D plans

Now it remains to be seen what you call incomplete if your 3D has the complete geometry and the plan in pdf  it should do it. I don't have a PB either on an assembly export.

For the volume information you can surely add it to the 2D.

I don't see your "bit.ly/2XDZRJe" file under public?


Here's a new link:


I don't have a PB to export in Step and the result under CATIA or SW is in accordance with your Oneshape model .

It's not an export PB or a file format, in the current state of your project all you could do is a 3D printed model. To make a (injection) tool, the project cannot be industrialized as it is (the part cannot be demolded), the internal recesses cannot be demolded directly, the part would have to be cut into two parts, it seems symmetrical with respect to the top plane.

It would be a solution but not very aesthetic, it is also necessary to plan the assembly of the two parts ?? US Solder, Screws, Clips. The part also does not comply with the injection rules (constant wall thickness), it will also be necessary to pass the drafts and rays depending on the material chosen.

In short, you still have work to do, unless it's your industrial partner who does the industrialization, then you have to discuss with him your expectations on the design. Define the position of the injection point, absence of traces on the appearance faces, of burrs on the closed areas.

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Franck, but what professionalism!

Thank you very much!

A great respect to you!


PS: I sent you a PM