Export Catia 1D object


As part of a model, I need to export a 1D model. Is it possible with Catia (I use V5R20) to do this? 

In fact, I'd like to export lines created on Catia to Ansys to create cables along those lines.

Thank you for your answers.

Kind regards 



You have to save the Catia file in IGES or STEP (check in the options that the lines are exported) and import it into Ansys.

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Hello and thank you for your answer,

I had already tried most of the formats I can create with Catia and that are exportable to Ansys. The result is always the same. I have my solids but I don't have the lines I want. 

I went to the options: Tools>Options>Compatibility>IGES And I checked but I don't see any options to export the lines... Could you tell me exactly where this option is? Because I have the impression that you can only export surfaces with the IGES format...


Oh it's okay I found it! 

The option is not in Catia but in Ansys where you can activate whether you want to import the "Line bodies" or not in the import options.

Thank you Chamade.