XML Extension

For a need for subcontracting of beam cutting that will be carried out on an Excalibur drilling line, we are asked for an XML file. However, there is no such extension on SolidWorks.
Does anyone work with this type of machine or do you have a trick to convert an assembly and/or part into this format?

Thank you

XML is a text format so it is not possible to export an assembly or part.
On the other hand, it is possible to export a debit list in XML via Cutting Optimization (MyCad Utility):

It should also be possible to export a drilling table in xml by first using Excel.

The key is to understand the need of the piercing line.
He needs the lengths to cut the holes, the 2? In what forms?
You need to find out about the real need in order to be able to best meet the demand.

Edit: Also ask for the files accepted by their software (in general several formats are accepted and they always have a specific software with several possible sources)

Thank you for this information. The solution chosen is to trace everything on Tekla (our subcontractor's software).

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If it's Tecla import possible from SW en iges among others.

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