Following my latest research regarding the possibility of working on the seismic modeling of a building from a solidworks design, I am looking for a solution to export a solidworks 3D model in DWG.
To do this, I found a fairly simple solution via Drafsight which is to save in a . SAT (ACIS) my Solidworks model and import it into Draftsight in order to save it in a DWG.3D format. So far, no worries.
Except that it doesn't work if the solidworks part file contains only sketches. By extruding these sketches, I am able to do this. However, the file in question is only an unusable raw volume.
The objective is to be able to reimport this famous 3D dwg into a structural analysis software (SCIA Ingeneer 14 in this case) and to find the complete structure in question and especially the sketch or volume segments.
To your knowledge, is there a suitable export method?
Do you know a solution to "register under" a solidworks 3D part in format? IFC" who will keep the details of the segments of the part?
For more information, you will find attached the design file(s) under solidworks and images.
No worries .PL, I finally revised the specifications downwards... :)
Finally, I save each façade element in 2D DWG std and I import each façade as I go along in the structural analysis software SCIA by assembling them in 3D directly in the software. It works well and "not too long"...