Extract the quadratic moment on solidworks

Hi all

By looking for the properties of a surface on solidworks, it gives us the moment of inertia of the surface.

I am trying to determine the quadratic moment of the surface that is used to calculate the bending deformation.

How to do it if it's possible.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards.



I don't have the software in front of me but from memory it's good in the properties of the surface.

Have you tried to compare the values indicated by SW with a section whose characteristics you know how to find? (a square tube or an IPE for example)



You click on the face and you go to Tools, Section Properties




If I'm not mistaken, there's a little confusion or translation error in solidworks...

- The moment of inertia and a quantity in kg.m2

- The quadratic moment is a quantity in m^4


But Solidworks gives us "Moment of inertia of the zone, at the center of gravity: ( millimeters ^ 4 )"




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I agree with you @Thom@s but since we have to select a face, we don't have mass...

This confusion between Quadratic Moment and Moment of Inertia comes mainly from the vocabulary chosen in Mechanics. 

Indeed, the Quadratic Moment is also called Moment of Inertia (in cm4) in mechanical works (same for Products of Inertia) and there is also another notion, the Moment of Inertia (in kg.m²) which is found in the inertial tensor.

§ "Guide de mécanique" by Jean-Louis FANCHON - NATHAN

Schedule 1 and Schedule 2

Moment of inertia is used for 2 different concepts.

SolidWorks could have used the term Quadratic Moment for more clarity!


Hello Aliendé

You were the victim of an anonymous digging up dating back to 2015.

hihihihi :-)

Kind regards

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@Zozo_mp, Yes I know but this confusion is important for SolidWorks users and this question may help those who are experiencing this problem.
For me, the forum is a kind of Wikipedia where each question clarified will allow everyone interested in the question to know the answer.
