Extruding a surface with multiple slopes


Like many who use this forum, I encounter a problem.

I have a structure to make on a concrete slab (called diamond point), so it is made up of several slopes. The 4 corners of the slab have different heights as well as the middle points for rainwater drainage.

I wanted to go through the "boss/smoothed base" function but it tells me "cannot connect the surfaces together" although I see the final shape I want.


Thank you in advance for your help.




Hello @PiR,

It is true that SolidWorks does not accept to generate the volume by smoothing based on your Sketch3 and Sketch3D2. He agrees to do this by using other profiles and guide curves for this smoothing. The steps:
- reorder the sketches in this order: Sketch1, Sketch3 and Sketch3D2.
- open and complete the Esquisse3D2 by building all the edges of the future volume (see image Dalle0.png).
- generate the volume by the volume smoothing function using the two closed blue groups as profiles and the 4 purple segments, open groups as guide curves (see image dalle1.png).
Use the SelectionManager feature to select entities.
Your version of SW is quite old, I can only offer you the attached images.

One note: the principle of the diamond point is to generate a surface based on planes limited to their respective intersections. The upper surface of your volume does not meet this definition, surfaces are not planes. Make sure that rainwater will drain well...

Kind regards.


Good evening @Remi.Salerno,

Sorry, I don't see what the notion of trajectory represents in the case of an extrusion...
Is this the limit of extrusion?

Hence this other possibility:
- create a "boundary surface" using the 4 "sides" of the 3D2 sketch,

- then make a volume extrusion of the sketch3 with the condition of ending this boundary surface.

In the end, the solution was very close to the initial idea based on smoothing...



Is this what you were looking for?

For me @m.blt offers the best solution.

It requires a little time though: creation of the 4 (or 8) surfaces then stitched on these 4 surfaces to finally be able to do the extrusion to the sewn surface. The big advantage of this solution is that it will work all the time.



Thank you all for your answers.

The solution of m.blt seemed to me the simplest is the fastest.
