Extrusion through assembly function


In an assembly,

Regarding "Assembly function" in the "Insertion" drop-down menu,

It is possible to remove material by extrusion or revolution...

On the other hand, is it possible to make extrusions or revolutions?

Thank you in advance



Personally, either I edit the part if it's on a part present in the assembly, or I create a part (insertion) in the assembly and I work in the context.

Happy Holidays



No, it is not possible. The removal of material can be shared or propagated to the rooms. But for extrusions, you have to go to the assembly tab and deploy, insert a new component and then a new part and there you can make an extrusion or revolution that will be recorded in the assembly... But at any time you will be able to save the part outside of the assembly by opening it and making it saved as.


No, not in the assembly.

Sketches only allow you to remove material.

On the other hand, you can edit a part and make an extrusion on it.


I always make the comparison with reality: when you make an assembly, you can possibly do a machining on it (removal of material like simultaneous drilling of 2 parts) but you can't add more.

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Hi all

It's true that it's more rational to edit the play in the context,

So I'm going to stay in a conventional use of Solidworks

Thank you very much for your answers,

Best wishes for 2017.

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