Extrusion vs. multiple surfaces?



I would like to extrude a sketch to several surfaces that do not belong to the same body, can we do it?


Thanks in advance

Kind regards


By choosing direction 1 and then direction 2 it doesn't work?

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No, because he is necessarily going in the opposite direction...



Unfortunately it is not possible to extrude up to several bodies.


2 alternatives:

_ do as much extrusion function as body (certainly the one you were considering as a last resort...)

 _ create a surface integrating all the entities of the faces of the different bodies and thus set the created surface as an end condition. (see example)



I think that the second proposal of benoit. If is the right one.

Create a surface either by:

- Insertion - Surface - Offset to 0mm

- Insertion - Surface - Stitched


Kind regards

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I would have said the same sewing to have only one surface!!

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Is it in an assembly the story of several bodies?

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not in one part but which has several non-fused extrusions.


But in fact I also made Benoit's 1st alternative and since Solidworks fused the results ba sa gave me the right part the 2 work.