Make a sketch appear in the derivative of the icoin


That's it, I'd like to drive an assembly from the sketch of an ipiece.

However, the coins generated from this icoins only have one volume.

I can't seem to make the sketch from which this volume comes from!

Can you help me?


Thanks in advance!

Hello, I hope I have expressed myself well enough, I reiterate at all hazards:

Roughly speaking, I will have to succeed in making the sketches of the Icoin appear in the pieces generated by the Ipiece. At the moment I only get one volume.


Thanks in advance!

Hello! Is it possible to reach us with an iPièce in question? I have Inventor on my workstation

Hello Aurélien,

Here is the Room.

So it's only the sketch that interests me. I want to use its derivatives to drive an axis and particular washers, as well as their positions.

Kind regards.


My version of Inventor is unfortunately too old to open the room (I'm in 2015), but if I understand,

The "guide_axe" part is in an assembly with the "shaft" and "washer" parts, 

You want to make the axle and washers adaptive according to this "guide_axe" part

Did you think about creating these parts from the assembly? That is to say, to create these pieces based on the "guide_axe" part? These will follow regardless of the size of "guide_axe"

Thank you Aurélien.

In fact, that's exactly what I do.

Except that my assembly (the one where there is the axis guide, the axis and the washers) is itself an Iassembly. Where I need to be able to change the axis guide configurations. And unfortunately, in my Iassembly, I can't include the configurations of "guide_axe" in my variables. (see image in attachment)

The only way I've found to be able to use the configurations of "Guide_axe" is to use its derivatives, but here I only have one body, so no sketches, so I can't drive anything with it.




Can you explicitly write what you want to drive?

Ex: I want to control my assembly via my sketch, the dimensions of the guide_axe are determined according to ....

To really understand the relationships to be made between the different files

Indeed it's not easy to explain:


I want to drive the position and geometry of my axis and washers from the sketch of a "Guide_Axe" Ipiece.

Knowing that all its parts must be in an Iassembly from which I can control the configuration of my "Guide_Axe" part (That's the difficulty)




"I want to control the position and geometry of my axis and washers from a "Guide_Axe" Ipiece.

Knowing that all its parts must be in an Iassembly from which I can control the configuration of my "Guide_Axe" part (That's the difficulty)"

I'm just taking your text to make it simpler.

For me the "Guide_Axe" part has no place, on the other hand the "Guide_Axe" assembly would be more judicious, let me explain:

Imagine a "Guide_Axe" iSet with several configurations (Guide_Axe-20, Guide_Axe-22, ....)

For each configuration, you can associate dimensions to the parts of the iSet "Guide_Axe"

So you will no longer have a pilot sketch but a control table of your different parameters

What do you think?

Otherwise, you can keep your architecture with the sketch of "Guide_Axe" but not make it iPiece. Your iEnsemble will control the sketch settings

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Otherwise, you can keep your architecture with the sketch of "Guide_Axe" but not make it iPiece. Your iEnsemble will drive the sketch settings.

Ok Aurélien, so you mean that it's possible to control dimensions of a sketch of a part from my set that contains it? I don't know how to do that! 

To do this, we must create relationships between the piece and the whole.

1. You need to create user settings via the "Settings" tab of the "3D Model" ribbon, these can be controlled by the iSet (in the "Settings" tab after creating the iSet)

2. You can now control the parameters of your 3D model created directly in the assembly, which will serve as a "model" part on which you will create your parts (axis, washer) based on the shapes or sketches created.


Super Aurélien, I can create the user parameter, in the Iset. However, once in the room, I can't get it back!

I'm reaching the goal thanks to you Thank you!

Were you able to create the model piece attached to your iEnsemble? 

I asked myself the same questions as you some time ago so if I can help... ;)


Below you can see which tab to use to create your model part:

Yes sorry the user parameter is in my model part, I even checked "export".

But where do I have access to this setting from the Set?

You need to pick it up here to be able to pilot it:


Ok that's it.

But with these parameters (Length, Width) you can only control a sketch of your assembly!

I'd like to do it like that!  Just a sketch in the assembly that drives the parts but when I'm in a room and I project an assembly sketch, the constraints that are displayed are locks! It's not adaptive!

By the way, I can't even constrain a part in relation to an assembly sketch! On the other hand, compared to a sketch of another room, I can... I must have a configuration problem, right? Is there an option in inventor that I didn't check?

Hello fpinheiro!

With a good night's sleep and good morning research, I come to the same conclusions as you and I found a report I had made on it:

I had created an assembly composed of 3 parts, one part was only a sketch, the other 2 were attached to it. Otherwise, there is a cyclical risk

As a result, your pilot sketch part can be an iPart that will have configurations, and these configurations will be available from the iEnsemble

The 2 piloted parts must be set to adaptive (right click -adaptive >)

Hoping to help you as best I can....


Thank you again Aurélien,

So we agree, you can only use the parameters of the Ipièces to build the other two pieces. OK.

And another thing, I noticed that when I take a part from the content center (like a puck) I can choose my config and I have qd mm the sketches (unlike the Ipiece). Is it difficult to create a room like the one in the content center?

At least this piece I could use as a guide even if it has configurations! And then I can select "change size" if I want another configuration.

You know what I mean? What do you think?


"So we agree, you can only use the parameters of the Ipièces to build the other two pieces. OK."

Well for me yes, finally from my tests!

On the other hand, you can very well control a part via another part thanks to the geometric constraints, in this case there will be no padlock. I admit to being very frustrated after working on SW not to find these features on Inv...

It seemed to me that the pieces in the content center were iPieces with specific interfaces... According to

"And another thing, I noticed that when I take a part from the content center (puck-type) I can choose my configuration and I have qd mm the sketches (unlike the Ipiece). Is it difficult to create a room like the one in the content center?"

It seemed to me that the pieces in the content center were iPieces with specific interfaces... From what you say, you can visualize the sketch, but can you use it to that much?

"At least I could use this piece as a guide, even if it has configurations! And then I can select "change size" if I want another configuration. You know what I mean? What do you think?"

I completely understand your strategy and I would like to validate it, maybe we should look via much more active English-speaking forums on Autodesk products....

We keep up to date!

Then Aurélien;

I'm on something else right now; but I tried to project from the sketch of an element of the content center...

Well, it works! see picture!

All you have to do is learn how to make these pieces of the content center, but in my opinion it's the solution to guide with a configured guide sketch...

Phew, I'll be able to continue to make configured Sets... These things are my delirium so I was disgusted not to be able to do it!

Thank you very much for your help!
