Make configurations according to tolerances


In solidworks, I have a model of a part with toelrances in the dimensions of the model.

Is it easy to create maximum minimum configurations of the room by stipulating that the dimension is maximum or mini without forcing the dimensions manually? Changing the dimensions of the model, would automatically change the configurations.

By creating a family of rooms?

and by specifying the properties of the dimensions that must change it could facilitate multi configurations



I want to enter indications such as "maximum", "mini", "average" in my configurations and only change the dimensions or tolerances of the model, is it possible with a family table?


You have the "Tolerances" utility (from the myCADtools suite) that allows you to perform the tasks you want.  Apply tolerances to a selection of dimensions. Calculate dimensions in Maxi, mini, average, an option allows you to calculate and modify the dimensions for the active configuration or for all configurations. Etc...

I invite you to read the presentation of the tools of the myCADtools suite ( In addition, with your myCADservices Privilege subscription, you have access to download.


Jean-Michel SAVOYAT