Do you follow configuration subassembly in main assembly?




Let's imagine a cylinder with several references. This cylinder is a first assy n°1. On this cylinder, there is the possibility of assembling other optional parts. These constitute a second assy n°2 (this one does not impact the problem in question).

These two SS/Assy are grouped together in a single Assy : Assy_general.

The assy n°1 (cylinder) has several configurations: #Ref1, #Ref2, #Ref3, etc. Note that the choice of the configuration of this assy is made through the Configuration Publisher.

The assy_general has three configurations: #Open ;  #Movable ; #Close. The latter make it possible to make the assy_general of the cylinder either in the open position, in the closed position, or free of movement.


When the actuator is configured, thus assigning it a certain reference (configuration), the latter does not follow in the configurations of the Assy_general. 

Before Setup: 

  • Assy_general: #Open (AssyN°1 #Ref2)
                                #Movable (AssyN°1 #Ref2)
                                #Close (AssyN°1 #Ref2)

Let's say I want reference 1 (#Ref1) for the cylinder, and I'm in the Assy_general configuration #Movable (for example) when configuring assy1. So I click on assyN°1 in the tree, open the Configuration Publisher, assign the #Ref1, close the Configuration Publisher.

After setup: 

  • Assy_général: #Open (AssyN°1 #Ref2)
                                #Movable (AssyN°1 #Ref1)
                                #Close (AssyN°1 #Ref2)

What I would like is that, in this case, the fact of configuring the ss/assy n°1 also impacts in the #Open and #Close configurations.

That is :

  • Assy_général: #Open (AssyN°1 #Ref1)
                                #Movable (AssyN°1 #Ref1)
                                #Close (AssyN°1 #Ref1)


I know that choosing a configuration manually leaves the choice between [for all configurations; this configuration only, etc..], but subsequently, when using this assy, it will be imperative to go through the Configuration Publisher.

Thanking you in advance,

Kind regards



All you have to do is right-click on your assembly in the creation tree and choose "Configure component"

If you have 2 different subassembly configs in 2 assembly configs, you will have access to a table that allows you to choose any subassembly config for any assembly config




I have tried this before, but this method is not suitable. 

Simply because I want the configuration of assyN°1 to remain the same in ALL configurations of the assy_general, and this, after each modification of the configuration of assyN°1.

In fact, you don't need to tell him every time that the assignment of this or that configuration of assyN°1 must impact ALL the configurations of the assy_general.
This change should be made automatically. 

In fact I don't know about the others, but personally I didn't get ANYTHING about your problem.

Do you want to modify the configs of your subsets according to your sets, or do you want your subsets to be the same in all sets???

Your problem are the links? or the updating of all these people???



Forgive me, it's not easy to explain.

I would rather say that I want to follow the configurations of my subsets in the configurations of my ensemble.
But this without having to tell him that such and such a choice of such a configuration of a subset is to be assigned to "All configuration" of the set.

E.g. > Before the modification of one of the subsets (ss/assyN°1), while being in the configuration of the general set #Open

--Assy_general (#Open)   --Assy_general (#Movable)          --Assy_general (#Close)     
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)  --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)                     --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)            
--ss/assyN°2(#RefA)   --ss/assyN°2(#RefA)                      --ss/assyN°2(#RefA)              

       > CURRENTLY after modification of one of the subsets (ss/assyN°1)

--Assy_general (#Open)   --Assy_general (#Movable)          --Assy_general (#Close)     
--ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)    --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)                     --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)             
--ss/assyN°2(#RefA)   --ss/assyN°2(#RefA)                      --ss/assyN°2(#RefA)               

We can see that the config of ss/assyN°1 has changed, but ONLY in the config of the general set #Open. In the #Movable and #Close configuration, ss/assyN°1 still has the #Ref1 configuration.

       > What I WOULD LIKE after modifying one of the subsets (ss/assyN°1)

--Assy_general (#Open)   --Assy_general (#Movable)          --Assy_general (#Close)     
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)              --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)                     --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)
--ss/assyN°2(#RefA)   --ss/assyN°2(#RefA)                      --ss/assyN°2(#RefA)               

Let's say that, in itself, this is simple in normal times.  Just choose "All configuration" when changing the config of one of the sub-assemblies.
The problem here, is that I don't go directly through the configuration names. I use the Configuration Publisher, which allows me to choose the characteristics of my cylinder, and then it is the Configuration Publisher that chooses the configuration of the subset corresponding to the characteristics chosen.
So there is no step where you can choose "All configuration". That's the problem.

So I would say it's a story of connection.

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(Sorry for the layout...)

E.g. > Before the modification of one of the subsets (ss/assyN°1), while being in the configuration of the general set#Open

--Assy_general (#Open)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)

--Assy_general (#Movable)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)

--Assy_general (#Close)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)

       > CURRENTLY after modification of one of the subsets (ss/assyN°1)

--Assy_general (#Open)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)

--Assy_general (#Movable)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)

--Assy_general (#Close)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref1)


We can see that the config of ss/assyN°1 has changed, but ONLY in the config of the general set #Open. In the #Movable and #Close configuration, ss/assyN°1 still has the #Ref1 configuration.


       > What I WOULD LIKE after modifying one of the subsets (ss/assyN°1)

--Assy_general (#Open)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)

--Assy_general (#Movable)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)

--Assy_general (#Close)
   --ss/assyN°1 (#Ref2)

So as @Pascal said, you have the component configured by a right click in the final and you will be able to choose which sub-assemblies are removed or not and which configuration is used!

Be careful, Solidworks manages very badly and you will quickly realize constraints that are reversed, models that are not updated or even configurations. who didn't put themselves on properly...

Good luck!!!  

Ps: Holy cow! It took me a long time to understand!!! :) but thanks to your second explanation I think I got there!




Thank you for taking your time to try to understand my problem:)


But unfortunately, it seems that I still can't explain my problem properly..

Let's say that "Configure Component" is not suitable because there is no "Fixed" subconfiguration. The configuration of the ss/assyN°1 subassembly is likely to vary often.

Trying to simplify even more.  : If I change the config of ss/assyN°1, it must be the same without the 3 configurations of the general set.

Configure Component is good when you want specific subconfigs related to the config of the general set. In this case, I only want the config of the subset to be = in ALL the configs of the general set.

As if I were "right-clicking" on my subset ss/assyN°1; that I chose the desired configuration from the small drop-down menu; that I checked "All configuration" before validating; & that I validated. Thus, the configuration of my subset would have changed in the current configuration of the general set, but ALSO in ALL other configurations of the general set.

But I remind you that I go through the Configuration Publisher to choose the configuration of my subset, and unfortunately, as a result, the subconfig ONLY impacts the current configuration.

In fact, let's say that the answer to my problem would be "All configuration", but it would have to be done automatically after validating the desired settings in the Configuration Publisher.

Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, so no it will either be everything in the same position, or you will have to create configs. in the different positions!!  

Ps: this subject reminded me of a montage I had seen on TV showing an interview between Kaamelott and Hollande (To see it's a piece of advice:) )

I was lol, just thinking about it, trying to understand the problem :)


Well, well after a lot of time spent looking for a solution, I finally didn't find one. So I started with another design method.


I did as you said, I indirectly created my #Open #Movable #Close configurations in the ss/assyN°1, which multiplied the number of configurations of the subset to the power of 3.
So I only have one configuration in the general set, since I haven't found how to solve my problem.

In the end, after playing with the constraints and sketches, the choice to have the actuator in the open, free of movement or closed position is this choice in the Configuration Publisher. 

Thank you very much for your help, that's what got me here!

Kind regards



Look at this, it can help you.

Stupid question, why not go through display states to display your cylinder in, in the middle or out? 

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