Making an Edge Fillet on an Assembly

Hello everyone,

I made a box and I'm looking to make an edge fillet on my assembly (at first it seemed simple to me using the fillet function  in the Assembly Function menu, see image below) but when I do this the radius is only made as an element of the assembly (box edge) and it's not pretty! Can you please tell me if there is a function or trick to make the fillet on the edge that includes both parts (both box edges), in assembly mode. Thank you in advance

Kind regards


PS: slw2014, image of the edge and image of the result which is not satisfactory



Indeed, the "Fillet" function of assembly can only be performed on an edge belonging to a component (with or without the possibility of lowering the function into the component).

For your example, I suggest you use the "Material Removal Scanning" assembly function. A sketch representing the shape of the leave and a sketch showing the succession of edges of one of the 2 pieces.

Kind regards


Hello jmsavoyat,

Thank you for your answer and I tried your suggestion without getting the desired result. In fact I have tested several approaches without managing to find the solution, maybe it is related to my on-board profile ... I am attaching the drawing of the part to show the difficulty, thank you if you have a solution.

Kind regards




You have only posted the assembly document. The 2 pieces are missing.

From the assembly you have to use the "Pack and Go" or "Composition to go" function or make a zip of the 3 files.

Thank you

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