Make a funnel

Hi everyone

Here I am a real goat in surface and I have this piece to make. Could someone explain to me how to make it please? (Just refer to sheet 1 of the PDF 

Thanks in advance! 



In fact you don't have to do it in the surface, you make the bottom sketch with an extrusion of 140 after you make a sketch to place the top plane of the funnel. you make an oblique plan; on this one you sketch the top of the funnel. and then you do a smoothed boss/base and the lathe and toy...

I'm not making you a coin because I'm in 2016...


see attached file in SW 2012

done in volume I made you 2 ovals since I didn't understand your sides very well

@ you to rectify if necessary

if you want to unfold it you will have to split the room into 2 parts

The cone and the straight part

@+ ;-)



As @AC Cobr 427 says so well, you don't need an areal @g22 proves it. Everything that can be broken down into a simple geometric shape is achievable in volume. Everything that is barbaric needs surface.

may the force be with you.



Thank you for your answers! 

Indeed, I hadn't thought about the smoothed base function. And I don't know why, but I couldn't put my inclined plane for the oval above.

@gt22 I understand you for the odds I didn't really understand them either at the beginning ;)

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The simplest would be for you to make a sketch with the position of the points (H 470  and 270 then 1000 long  and 420 from the edge of the ferrule) then you create a plan that repeats the 2 pts 470 and 270 and there you can put your sketch there....

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Have you now understood how to do this inclined plane?

Yes yes in fact I thought I could do it either originally with the original plans or otherwise with sketch lines like you did, except that I hadn't put the focus on.

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The point I put is used to place a construction line

and because of this fact as this line is perpendicular to the plane incline 

It's super simple to create your plan

Reference Geometry/Plan

Select the line and then the point

That's super simple and on which of + is your plane is centered on the axis of your inclined line length

here it is @+

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I see! 

Difficult to choose the best answer now:p