To make an animation on assembly?


Make an animation on assembly?

Messageby coconuttranchecrotte » Mar 21 Mar 2017, 17:27

Bonzoir :mrgreen: ,

I currently have a project to model two engines and a badminton shuttlecock (see screenshot)
I already have the assembly, I still have to do the animation but I can't do it... :(
I would like to know how to make the two engines run, and to make sure that the flywheel "falls" between the two engines and is driven :oops: by the two engines in a natural way, without having to fix its trajectory myself :mrgreen:
and if possible, have a curve of this trajectory...
Thank you for your help  :shock: :shock: :o

Sincerely, coconuttranchecrotte.


How the motors "drive" the steering wheel when they don't come into contact according to your drawing...


You have to use SW Simulation but it's going to be easy to model.

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For your animation, you'll have to cheat

Here is my thought: 

create a virtual part attached to the right of your engines (roller)

so that this part one disc in another comes into contact with each other

which means that when you turn one engine via the contact of your discs your other engine will turn

via contact of the disks

after so the diameter of the discs = the diameter of your rollers + the diameter of the head of your steering wheel

which means that obviously it's your rollers that are in contact with the head of the steering wheel since you'll be hiding these discs

After for the trajectory the best I think is

create a sketch via a spline that will coincide with your axis of the head of your steering wheel

so going through the middle of the height of your pebbles

The length of this spline can be variable depending on the speed of rotation of your motor 

Here is my opinion



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You have to use the Animation module or more pro Motion if you have it.

Otherwise, a nice new thing is the Constraint Driver function which allows a quick animation.


DoubleL assembly was not finished on the photo, the steering wheel touches the two rollers.

gt22 I didn't understand anything about your writing, sorry.


Alan. ERP : Motion is available on the high school PCs.... but I can't find a tutorial

In fact, I think gt22 meant that you have to make tangent discs (sketch type) so that a roller is driven by the one that is motorized. And that the trajectory of the steering wheel must be made with a spline that can be configured in a sketch, on a median plane between the rollers and located in the axis of the steering wheel.

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A.Leblanc ah okay but ideally I wanted the steering wheel to be launched by the rollers, without the trajectory being fixed beforehand ... that the steering wheel is launched by friction and then in free fall

or @ a leblanci that's the explanation