Make a composition to take with co-complete folders

Hi all

I may have searched badly but I haven't found answers to my problem.

I therefore submit this one to you. I have files with related parts and drawings that are not assembled.

I want to be able to make compositions to take away but the complete file and not file by file.

Is there a solution to automate this or is it absolutely necessary to assemble all the elements to be able to take them all together?

In summary, the question is: is it possible to make a composition to take with a folder?

Thanks in advance

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Do you have the mycadtools?

If so, it's possible, if not, I don't think it's feasible except maybe with a macro but I doubt it.



I do a simple copy-paste of the folder on the desktop and then rename the parts via Solidworks 

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For a take-home composition to work, there must be a (computer) link between the files (so drw->asm/prt, prt/asm->asm/prt).

Nothing prevents you from making an asm in a hurry (just by throwing in bulk without constraint), just to group the prt/asm to export.

It remains to be seen what is the criterion that defines the file list (sheet metal parts, machined parts), in which case a custom prop could help to use a macro/utility.

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Agree with Bart Projectmanager, the Mycadtool tool is the best for this.

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I don't know if it can help, but if you copy a folder in which there are parts, assemblies or drawings that are linked, Solidworks always looks first for linked files from the folder in which you opened your file. 

For my part, I am content to:

- Close Solidworks so that it does not remember the path of the original

- Create a ZIP of the complete folder concerned to keep a backup in case of problems

- Copy/paste the entire folder or unzip it elsewhere

- Restart Solid and work in the new folder

I admit, it's a bit of a radical solution but it works great (and in addition allows me to keep a backup of the previous version)

I keep the archive for at least 3 days and depending on the needs I delete it or not.

Hi all

Thank you for your answers, by making a mix of all your ideas, I get what I want.

* If necessary I make an assembly that is only used to take away and then "composition to go"

* if necessary I use Antrenammer to finish renaming the files.

* then the links are recreated when opening the files for the first time indicating the file that sldwks can't find because it has changed its name.

Not necessarily very academic but that's fine with me.

Thank you for your help.


It's better to rename when you make the takeaway comp ("select/replace" button)  rather than with an Antenamer.