Extrusion in an assembly

Hello again,

A new little question for you experts:

How can you make an extrusion in an assembly. Indeed, I don't want to see this extrusion appear, only in the assembly and not on the part alone.


Thank you for your wise answers

Stop!!! I just found: in ASSEMBLY FUNCTIONS...


sorry for the inconvenience

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lol there's nothing to do


edit: don't forget to explain (if possible in detail) what you find for the comrades who are asking the same question


You're right, a little pedagogy doesn't hurt.

So, in an assembly, we can create a sketch (independent of all the parts of the assembly), and make an extrusion from this sketch.

Obviously, this extrusion will only be visible in the assembly and not in the part on which the extrusion has just been made.





Hi all

I bounce back on this post because I would like to see my part modified if I remove material in the assembly.

If I open my part it remains unchanged while in the assembly I have the removal of material, small precision, I want to do this because I have to modify several parts at the same time in an assembly example:

I have three pieces on top of each other and I want to make a groove for a slide for example, so I make a sketch belonging to the assembly and I do my material removal but when I open my piece individually it is as it was originally...


I try to look for and do the result in different ways and always the same...

Does anyone see what I want to do and is it possible?

Thank you