Make a nice component library from optimized copy


I have a number of parts for which I have created optimized copies.
I would like to create a component catalog from these optimized copies.
To do this, I can insert a component into a catalog by doing: from a part that has an optimized copy, Insert -->  Smart Models --> Save to a catalog.
My parts arrive in a catalog that I created using catalog editor.
On the other hand, each component is put in a PowerCopy chapter and each component is called not by its name but by its name but by its construction inputs.
I wish:
- remove the PowerCopy chapter,
- keep the name of the optimized copy as the name for my components and not the name of the entries.

Do you have any ideas to make these changes and better present my catalog?

In addition, do you have links where we can learn the fundamentals related to the catalog? For example, what is the component family used for? I don't really see what differentiates a chapter from a family of components.

Thank you in advance for your advice.


Icons in pictures:

To organize a catalog, it is best to create it manually, not by 

Insert -->  Smart Templates --> Save to a catalog.

We start by creating the catalog:

We create the chapters (folder under Windows equivalent folder).

Families are created (grouping of similar elements).

We define all this: (name, keywords, thumbnail)

To integrate the optimized copies, the file must be opened in session and then

We activate the family or we will put the copy away (double click).

The component icon becomes active 


In the window you have to choose "Select a feature".

Then we will point to the optimized copy in its CATPpart (we go through the (Window) tab of catia) or more practical we work in vertical window mode.

When you click, the CATIA copy reactivates the catalog (it's created)!

After (as for chapters and families, we define the atributs of the copy).




Hi Franck,

Thank you for your help. Your feedback is very clear.

Small questions:

1) Is it necessary to create a family of components in a catalog? If not mandatory, how do you create a component without first creating a component family?

It seems to me that I do because I only have the "add a component" option when a "component family" is activated. It would be fine for me not to create a "family of components" level. I find a hierarchy with 2 levels "Chapter" then "Component" would be enough for me. It would also allow me to make one less click to select a component. 

2) If not, do you have any elements to situate the interest of these families of components? I don't see the point of a chapter yet?

Thank you in advance for your additional information.




1) no choice if you want to use the catalog to access CATIA files, macros, powercopies!

If we don't create a family, we can only create (empty) chapters and reference other catalogues.

2) There is no comparison to be made between family and chapter, they are two different containers.

The chapters are used to organize the libraries e.g. 1chapter BiB 2D, 1chapter BiB 3D, 1chapter BiB Macros, 1chapter BiB PowerCopies, 1chapter Screws. etc, etc

Part families (used for files driven by a parameter table).

(the key words come from the table)

Families (used to reference files, features, scripts, documents).

(The keywords are created manually) e.g. If a family references pneumatic fittings, we will create keywords:  ref, denomination, type (angled, straight, Y), etc., etc.

Kind regards





Great Franck.

You have enlightened me very well.

It should be fine for me to build my little catalog of optimized copies.
