Room family and drawing

Hi all

In order to wake you up early in the morning, I have a little question about the drawing:
I drew a part with as many parameters as possible allowing for quick modification.
In addition, I made a family of parts with 140 configurations.
Now that all my configurations are working, I would like to move on to the drawing, but being a bit lazy I would like to avoid having to make the plans for each configuration.

So I'm coming to you to find out what solutions I have please?

Is it possible to make "a family of rooms for the drawing"?
Do I have to change the configuration and the drawing will update automatically? And then do that 140 times?

Also note that my part can take different bore shapes (square or round) and therefore the front view changes according to the config so the drawing differs a little.

I hope I've given you enough info to understand my problem.

Thank you & Have a nice day

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I have the same situation that's why I thought of this:


PS: watch the video at the end of the post to quickly understand the concept.



For dimensions that vary, assign a letter for each dimension and report them in a table to determine the right value for the correct configuration.

For different shapes, you have to make 2 views of the 2 different shapes, and in the legend put "shape A" and "shape B" for example. Then create a "shape" column in the dimension table to determine the right shape to have for the right configuration.


Have a nice day


Hello, BE CAREFUL we also made families of parts before, but when you want to make a modification on a single marker, it's your plan that takes a clue, therefore, it's very hard to know what will be modified and why! Moreover, if you make big sets, it could get stuck because for Solid its makes way too much config to manage!. Let me explain, if you have 10 parts in a set, Solid will manage 10*140 config or 1400! its risk of rowing!!


It's long and painful but today we make a plan per config and we limit the number of configs as much as possible.

There you go, have a good day


Ps: I speak for Solidworks but nowhere is it indicated that I am not HS...


Kind regards


@a.leblanc thank you for this link I'll look at it right away!

@Tomalam thank you but so this table must be created where please? And will it be visual on the plan? (I don't want to)

@G. yes I suspect but it's a unique piece with a lot of references. And I assure you that the family of parts is a "revolutionary" solution where I am:)


a.leblanc I'm getting back to you because I can't open any of the SW attachments. Because of this, I can't see the macro or even your part.

what version are you in SW?

gt22 I have the 2015 version

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So you won't see his play if it's in 2016 and I think that's the case

unless you have an SP5

but video yes and macro too............. since the creator said that it should work with X SW version

the macro is zipped




Part families in drawings

If a model uses a part family to generate multiple configurations, you can display the part family in a drawing of that model. In this way, a single drawing can represent all configurations.

You can refer to the numbers with short, descriptive letters or names instead of using their full names and values. For example, instead of D1@BaseExtrusion, you can use a label such as A or thickness as the column header in the part family and display it instead of the dimension value in the drawing view.

The following figure shows how a part family and the dimensions it controls can appear in a drawing.

Table of Contents

  • View a part family in a drawing

    The part family appears in the drawing exactly as it appears in the model document. For this reason, in the part or assembly document, you must configure it so that it appears as you want it to appear in the drawing. You then insert it into the drawing.

  • Edit a Part Family in a Drawing


Parent topic

Configurations with part family

Related concepts

Understanding Part Family Settings

Insert a part family

Shaping a Part Family

Add settings to a part family

Edit a family of parts

Delete a part family

Deleting a Configuration in a Part Family

Save part families

PropertyManager Room Family

Dimensions dialog box

Add Rows and Columns dialog box

Hardware Issues and Recommendations

Search for 'Part Families in Drawings' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base.


Thank you, indeed I managed to open the macro, which I will now study.

But being a novice on SW, I don't know the P.P., what is it for? What is the difference with the room family or the pane that already exists at the bottom of the SW window? And how to create one please?

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A person on the forum has already told me about this method, but I don't want a table on the drawing but the actual dimensions for each configuration.


Ask your other question on a new communication thread

it is in principle for a better readability and research ;-)

one question per com thread ;-)

it will be clearer for everyone

and you'll have lots of relevant answers

@+ ;-)


Bizard, the macro is available, can you download it?

On the other hand I am in SW 2016, so it's normal for the room, you have to adapt the concept to your family of rooms. Read the whole post carefully to make the necessary changes and adapt your software version to the macro.