Piece Family: Syntax Materials? SW2016?

Well, I have a little problem,

I wanted to create a new part, and manage the materials in the Excel,


In the room (original 2014) I add room family, automatic creation, etc...

and when I want to add the materials, I made him create the column automatically (recognition of elements that vary)

But when I close the Excel, I get this error message.


I don't voice, where is my mistake?

I tried with $LIBRARY:Material

but same error message...?


Modify the material in Solidworks and observe what it fills in the part family, it may not be written in the same way

Generally this error message appears when there is an error in the writing so attempted, once the family is opened, to double-click material in the FeatureManager.

As I said in my statement,

I did an autofill of the table, so it's SW that fills the box (column title, and value in the config)

But when I want to validate the Excel, he throws me away...


but I think I found the problem on my own: it comes from the modeler embedded in the PRT...

(Classic problem of parts families)

do you know the old syntaxes for Materials under SW2015, SW2014, SW2013??


And necessarily "update/convert" in a 2013 file,

the "part family" modeler embedded internally in the file, I think it's doable...


unless someone has an idea?


Otherwise I'm going to try a "decomposed function drag" in a new PRT, but with the risk of loss of constraint, or that it doesn't change the internal modeling of the PRT...


maybe by changing the style of the cell...



the problem comes from the "internal modeler" of the PRT, my tests have highlighted it

I had also noticed it for other values, which have changed syntax over time...


as the file comes from before 2014...

because the management in an Excel of the value MATERIALS was implemented in 2014


there, I'll manage, because one solution is to save the file in SW2016 "before" implementing any excel in it.


but for the question of old libraries created before 2014, the problem is difficult to solve, or to circumvent...

For different syntaxes, there is a way, but for new syntaxes, not possible.

Because the file keeps in it the "part family modeler" dated when the function was added.


that was it (see my messages above).