Part family from external CAD files

Hi all

I am looking to create a family of parts through the use of CAD uploaded to external sites.

For example: I upload 10 sizes of screws (M10-M12-M14 etc etc example at random) that have exactly the right modeling I want from the supplier's site. (I don't want to redraw them)

Each open file ends up with an "imported" "block" in the construction tree.

I want to end up with a single file that offers me the different sizes in the form of configuration (like the families of parts). Is this possible?

Thank you,

Kind regards 


Normally the toolbox is designed to do this

See here the overview of toolbox

You have another possibility with the Design Library (look in the design library in the right frame) or here

Kind regards

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What you can do is make an assembly with all your parts in position, export it as a part and then open the part and remove all the bodies unnecessary to a configuration either manually or in a way driven by a family of parts.

Be careful, however, this method is much more cumbersome for the part than if it is designed and controlled directly by the part family.