Parts Family

Hello everyone,

Here I have a question, I am currently creating my family of parts a cleat with Tapped Hole in ISO 4 x ØM5 on the cleat.

But here's the thing, when creating my family of parts with larger dimensions, I also have to change the Ø of the Tapped hole. By doing this in SolidWorks 2018.

I have my hole changes which are done but on the other hand the dimensions of the holes in drawing remain the same i.e. ØM5, while my part is configured with ØM8 and the dimensions of the diameters also have changed, except for the notation which remains M5 in drawing.

I don't know if it's a bad handling when I set up a family of parts.

Thank you all for enlightening me on this subject.

Kind regards.



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What I do when I have tapped holes to put in a family of parts (done with the drilling assistance function), is that I remove the function and make another one with a different diameter. Then I delete one or the other depending on the configurations.

You can make a sketch before the tapping functions which is used to position the tapped holes if you want.




Hello Jimmy,

In the family of parts, is there a column for tapping?
Are these values evolving according to the configuration chosen?

Kind regards



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Otherwise, a first possibility is to select the diameters and place them in the part family.

Then of course to modify them according to the dimensions of the tapping:


The 2 proposed solutions work, the advantage of Aliende 's solution is that it keeps the same constraints when changing config if necessary.


Since 3D seems to follow, how is the rating done? Is it a rating or a symbol for piercing?

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There you go, I'm attaching my problem in drawing, the values are very different in size but the quotation is not taken into account ØM5 yes it's the one at the start, and the family of parts goes from ØM6 to ØM10, which are not taken into account in drawing. The sizes do change well.



Hello, stefbeno, it's not  a piercing symbol but a rib.


Precisely, by putting a symbol for the piercing, does the problem persist?
Isn't the price forced?

Does forcing regeneration (via Ctrl-Q) have an impact?

Hello colleagues,

At home it works. See PJ made in 2016.

On the other hand I didn't make a family of parts, I added a configuration and I applied the M10 to this configuration and the same for the M12
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No, he doesn't do anything about the reconstruction in my house.

Strange I think. I recently got SW2018. A bug?

Because it's only the thread annotation that doesn't take. The hole is dimensioned to the correct size:

Otherwise, the @Cobra solution holds up well in a classic configuration.

And once transposed into a Family of Pieces, it still works!
I made a family of parts from the 2 Configs of @Cobra in automatic.
I created directly in the table an M20.

The rating in the Drawing follows well this time!

Hello stefbeno, no there is no impact on the coast it is still ØM5 or instead of ØM8, It's like the Aliende scheme!

Have you been able to see my files to see how I made it work???

Hello, ac @cobra 427 Can you put me the link to your files, because I'm interested to see how you did it? 

Kind regards

Hello @Aliende can you send me the file so that I can see the manipulation.

Kind regards


Well they are in a zip in the 1st answer I posted. If you can't download, just right-click on the ZIP in my answer and save the link as or something like that...