Invisible side display window on my laptop for certain functions (not in dual screen mode)? Solidworks

Hi all

I've had a little problem since I've been in lockdown mode. Not a big subject, but it quickly becomes annoying because I don't have access to certain functions....

For example, on Solidworks, when I launch the "right-click -> equation management" or "right-click ->  rotate a drawing view" or many others, a small side window opens to validate or enter the desired data.
When I'm at my company connecting to my 2 big screens, I have no problems, but on my portable workstation (when I'm teleworking), it's impossible to see its windows!!

And once the "equation management" function is launched for example, I am unable to close or cancel. I am forced to close Solidworks "the hard way".

Do you know if there is anything in the options to modify this??

As a reminder, the screen resolution is 100% and I don't want to touch the config when I connect to dual screens.

It's a known problem, your window should have been on the 1st screen and is therefore out of click range in 1 screen mode.

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Ok I understand, and would there be a simple way to get it back?

You don't have to close the hard way (in the text)

and yes this window is vicious, it hides ;-)

just reduce your window when you can't + move forward

and close this micro window

But since you don't want to change anything, neither your size nor the settings

Plug in another monitor 

no other walkthrough for you sorry 

@+ ;-)

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Thank you gt22,

How do you do it:

just reduce your window when you can't + move forward

and close this micro window



because I tried everything in zoom or reduce.... and I can't find this window..


With Windows key + P, put yourself in 1 screen mode.

Repeat this when you switch to dual screen.



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You say that even by reducing the size of sw

Can't you find this micro window?

so that would mean that she is virtually on your 2 screens (curious)

so switch to mono screen 

do you work on the screen of your cell phone?


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Thank you Yannick, but I just tried without success....


Start SW, open a new window that is "hiding" then check if your PC has not remained on a multi-display mode (Windows key + P) and if so, put it back in "PC screen only" display, this may put your windows back on the right screen, That's what it does at home.

Kind regards


Yes GT22, that's right, I'm on my mobile.

IMPOSSIBLE to find this window there... I've been trying solutions for weeks but nothing ... It's like it's out of my screen, but I have no way to go beyond that.

Windows  P put in computer only

Do this closed solidworks manipulation. 

Check that the Windows display  is at 100%.

Beyond that, it can be a problem. Ctrl  - or ctrl +



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You don't have another screen (PC/TV)

to see your problem 

Is this screen really the primary one?



Otherwise plug in a second screen, even a TV, open SW and launch each window that is "hiding" to reposition them on the right screen and close them ...

Kind regards


Same thing, it doesn't work.... I had already tried these methods.

I was wondering if this was not a SW option...

tried everything, but still nothing...

Otherwise touching the registry key would be a solution if you have the rights

I had found this procedure which worked when I had problems identical to yours.


Have you tried to change the registry keys?

 Hello Novice85

Have you tried to simply change the Solidworks workspace, via the "view" menu? :


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After a day at the office on my dual screen, before leaving, I put the windows back on the main screen.

Back working from home this morning, at first glance it seems to be working.

I'm still puzzled ....