Opening window, assembly not present

Hi all

I am writing today on this forum because I have a colleague of mine at the BE who does not have the opening window that details the progress of the opening and the number of parts for the assemblies (Photo attached)

He must have a little trick to activate it but I still haven't found him, can you help me?

Thank you in advance.




You want to talk about the opening progress indicator

 Tools  ==> Options ==> System Options ==> Messages/Errors/Warnings and select the Drawing Opening Progress Indicator.

Kind regards


thank you for your responsiveness, on the other hand I don't see what to talk to you about, I don't see it see photo


Damned       ;-(

You are right! I looked at my SW because I have the window that displays the performance.

On the other hand, if you want to consult episodically there is an icon that displays the results. On the other hand, to have it systematically at each opening, I didn't find the right parameter and  the doc is weird on the subject.    :-(

Kind regards

Never mind! Thank you for helping me!

Maybe someone else will have the solution

Kind regards.


You need to change the registry key "IDS_VIEW_LDR_INLOADING" to "ffffffff" instead of "00000001". This registry key is normally found in the "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\Solidworks 2019\General\DontAskAgainOptions]" section for SW 2019.

Either you go directly to the registry and make the modification, or you go through the export of SW settings that you then modify in a text editor and then you import them again, or you create a .reg file in which you put the lines that are fine such as:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\Solidworks 2019\General\DontAskAgainOptions]

Then you double-click on this file .reg.

Get help from an IT specialist if you need ...

Kind regards

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Indeed, I'm not far from the result. 

Can you confirm that this is where I edit and what I highlight?

Thank you


SW should be closed then in the registry then right-click on the registry key and press "modify":

Then change the value in the 'Value data' box:

Then, restart SW and check if the modification is functional by opening an assembly.

Kind regards


It's all good!

Thank you for your help D.Roger, the window is now present when opening the assemblies. 

That's great! Thank you.

I wonder how you know these tricks, so well hidden!?

Have a nice day

Kind regards;