I'd like to know how to turn a 3D file into grayscale.
If, for example, you want to engrave a cone in a metal cube, some machining machine manufacturer uses grayscale files.
In the attachment you will find such a file.
We see black on the top and the further away from the center the more white appears.
black is the point of the cone on the top and white is the base of the cone which is deep down.
For the moment I use MSHLAB but this software does not allow you to set a grayscale scale. it is done by eye...
I would like it to be automatic or to be able to give a scale...
thank you in advance for your help
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The solution that could work would be to create the gradient in Word and save it as a JPEG and then import or make a decal of it.....
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It's all in the texture on the cone. You have to work on it outside of the software (using Gimp, Photoshop or other) and then link it to 3D.
I didn't know about MeshLab before we talked about it, so I'm not a great help.
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It seems that there isn't really a perfect software for this. it's more of an in-house development of machine tool developers...
There is not really a solution on the market yet. We have to do some soft development to achieve this conversion.