Empty Excel file for any Macro from SW


I take the liberty of asking you for a hand regarding a very annoying problem on which I am stuck.

I'm trying to export values from SolidWorks using a macro, and the macro runs correctly, Excel opens correctly (names the file correctly), and there. No data inside the Excel file! And this regardless of the macros I use (I tried with several functional macros found on the net to be sure that it was not related to the macro). But I've been working on a new workstation recently, so it must be coming from some software setup.


My software configuration: Solidworks  2017 / Excel Office365

Summary: Running the macro from SW (Export Custom Properties to Excel.swp for example) / Excel opens and creates a "Properties Details" file / The macro ends with no error displayed / No data in the file in the file

Any ideas where the problem could come from?

Thanks in advance,

François Cavin






Post your code, so we can help you.



Here's an example of a macro with which I have my excel file completely empty.

(as a reminder it happens to me with all the macros I've tried)

Have a nice day




The error comes from this line:

Set xlWs = xlWb.Worksheets("Sheet1")

It is used to retrieve the sheet named "Sheet1" in the workbook. However, there is no "Sheet1" sheet since in French the default name is "Feuil1".

So I advise you to modify the line as follows:

Set xlWs = xlWb.Worksheets(1)

This retrieves the first sheet of the workbook, whatever it is called.

Your macro then works.

To see your problem, I ran the macro line by line at the [F8] key. This allows you to see the details and to see the variables evolved. In this case, the variable "xlWs" remained empty.

Another piece of advice, avoid the line:

On Error Resume Next

This allows errors to be displayed.



Thank you very much for your answer, that was indeed the problem.

And also thank you for your advice.

Have a nice day
