File does not meet the conditions of a workflow

Hi all

Every once in a while, I have Solidworks files that refuse to be archived. The error message is that the file does not meet the conditions of a workflow when if it is in a workflow (version 12 of the file), it is because it meets the right conditions. By logging in admin, it works however the user rights are ok. Mystery of PDM. Even the support doesn't understand.

If someone already has the same pb

Thank you




Is it a 3D, a drawing, or a file other than SW?

If your file is version 12, what has been its path? Has it only been archived 12 times or has it changed state (Approval, index increment ....)?
Put an image of his history, it will allow you to better understand how he got there and at what point a transition condition becomes blocking.

Sorry Pierre,

I just saw your answer. I'll look at it and get back to you.


Be careful in the life cycle of your files, you may have conditions for moving from one state to another.

For example: depending on the type of study, I ask for a double signature or not with a mandatory commentary.

Or for validation after a review, the mandatory completion of the 'Subject of review' field
