File not found

Hi all

For a project I have to model a seal necklace. During my modeling, my product file generates two part files. Since yesterday when opening the product file I get an error message telling me  that "the following file (part1) has not been found or does not have the right information. Use the desktop command to find the right files". However,  the files all belong to the same folder and all open independently. What to do?

Kind regards.



It's a warning message when you rename from windows explorer.

In your case it's the accent on è (Exhibit 1).

No accent in file names with CATIA.

On the other hand, on your copy I can't see the graph well, it seems that there is only the skeleton part?

Edit:  weird thing in the message, there is no record path and CATIA should have warned you if the assignment was open that the filename was not correct.

Try to open the desktop and see what CATIA shows you 

Tab:File / Desktop

Good evening

First of all, thank you for answering. As an attachment I put what my desktop shows me. When to the file name. I haven't renamed any of them since windows. The other two files are necklace. CATPart and Skeleton.CATPart



The piece "Necklace. CATPart" is not or no longer in your COLLIER_SERRAGE assembly. CATProduct, if a link had been missing it would be tight on a red background, so you have to insert the "necklace" piece again. CATPart" .

If you still have the message when opening a CATDUA on the CATProduct it should remove the ghost link.

Tab: File / Desktop then you point COLLIER_SERRAGE. CATProduct "Right-click / CATDUA.

Finally I did it again, nothing worked. I wonder if the problem was not due to the backup because I get this error message.


There are chances.

Using the Records Manager is the best practice when working with an assembly and parts in the same session.

It allows you to view what has been modified (Status), the name of the files (Name), the location where the files are saved (Path), what CATIA will do when you click OK (Action) and finally the permissions on the files (Access Right).

I advise you to widen the window to see the information.

Tip: the tabs behave like filter toggles "A-Z; Z-A"

Edit: if you installed the CATIA doc (press F1) after selecting the "records manager" command 


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Thank you for  the information on the download manager. I haven't installed the Catia doc but I imagine I can find it on the internet.


Yes, type "catiadoc" on your search engine.